Saturday, March 12, 2011

It took a while I know!

My great intentions to get my blog adventures have taken some time as life in the UAE is quite different and it has taken me a while to settle in and of course I have not computer so that makes it tricky too.
After 27 hours travel we finally arrived in Dubai, and we fumbled our way through the International Airport, I was hoping to stretch my legs after the long trip and the walk from the plane and through customs was like a mini marathon.  This was probably our first experience of another culture, not understanding the language and not being able to find any signs that pointed us in the right direction, but we got there in the end.  Dan was there to great us and we set off for Al Ain, highly excited that we were soon to see our reward, Sara and Milan at home.  The ride on the 5 lane highway distracted my thoughts for a while as we speed along at 120-140 with cars crossing lanes, no indication and cars passing us as if we were standing still.  Pete was somewhat distracted by the Mercedes, Lexus and BMW's, can't really say I noticed them.
We arrived at Sara's new house, which is huge and is surrounded by large fences and bars on the windows, it is rather beautiful inside with huge rooms and entrances, hallways and bathrooms attached to each bedroom.
Sara and Milan were waiting at the house, so after 29 hours travelling we finally got our reward and a wide eyed little button checked us out with quiet intent.  Sara looks fabulous and is a gorgeous mum, which I knew she would be.
Milan was born at 35 weeks but was a healthy 2.380kgs and now at her due date she is 3.4kg, so all is well.  It has been very interesting watching her grow and noticing how she has changed now she has reached her due date.
I am loving being Nana and Mum.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome Milan to the world and enjoy your time with Nana and Granddad. You are a very well known little girl on this side of the world and I am sure it will not be long before you will get to play in our kindergarten playground just as all your cousins have done. See you soon. Margie
